Community Economic Development

Community Planning

USDC staff attend community meetings and work with other organizations to support local economic development initiatives, other youth programs and community infrastructure projects. Some past examples include the Eagle Down Walking Trail in Hazelton project and the formation of the Hazelton Wolverines Senior Mens AA Hockey Club. 

Community Economic Development

We design and administer community projects which provide training opportunities. By submitting proposals which partially utilize government funded programs, USDC is able to support local economic growth and revitalization projects. We work collectively with Community Economic Development (CED) partners through a local group called the HUB. Some project examples that USDC initiated include the Senden Sustainable Agriculture Resource Centre Job Creation Project and the Job Opportunities Program, Telegraph Trail Restoration Project. In 2005, USDC successfully accessed funding for a local Labour Market analysis. The plan created by this project is the blue print for USDC project and partnership development in the community. 

Senden Sustainable Agriculture Resource Centre

A community resource owned by USDC, revitalized and partially funded by local partners and government to create a demonstration model for local food production and food security. The Centre is designed to be a regional resource for the development of the agriculture sector and a training and education facility for all ages. The HUB supports this initiative and volunteers are always welcome and needed at the Senden Centre.


Gaining Ground - July 2002
A study completed for the Centre to analyze and describe the potential for development of the agriculture sector in the Upper Skeena.

Labour Market Partnerships - January 2005
A study and report completed for the Centre to provide an analysis of the economic climate and the potential for community economic development with a focus on partnerships and the use of existing resources. A five year community economic development plan was created. The plan contains a detailed blueprint for our work and it has been followed by USDC and Storytellers Society in Hazelton since 2005.

Senden Sustainable Agriculture Resource Centre Business Plan  (SSARC) - September 2008
A business plan developed to guide the operation and growth of a community agriculture based resource and activity centre. This facility is owned and operated by USDC to provide a demonstration and learning environment for all community members interested in growing and food security. The business plan contains a five year blueprint for the implementation of the SSARC objectives.

Community Action Initiative, Resilient Communities 2014-2017
The Resilient Communities Project was designed to create a holistic program to support youth and their families  experiencing mental health and addictions, and to support their families. In partnership with Storytellers' Foundation, Gitxsan Government Commission and Northern Health Mental Health and Addictions. 


January 17

Hazelton Area Community Directory

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